
What are jowls?

Jowls is a term used to describe sagging areas of skin underneath the jawline & chin, which people develop as a sign of ageing. As we grow older our skin becomes looser and loses its elasticity, which causes the skin around our face to appear to sag. Whilst jowls is extremely common certain contributing factors and levels of fat and collagen in the area can mean that it can be less pronounced or none existent in some people despite their age. It all depends on that individual. Whilst it is a natural sign of ageing, those with jowls that are pronounced can become unhappy with the appearance of them & lose self confidence.

What causes jowls?

The main cause for jowls to develop is ageing and a loss of elastin and collagen in the face. Whilst those factors can’t be avoided there are some other contributing factors that can increase the risk of jowls becoming prominent on the face including:

Although sagging skin is natural it is something that is difficult to treat or fix through at home methods. Whilst you can take steps to reduce the risks of developing jowls, once your skin has lost its elasticity and firmness it can be hard to get it back without professional treatments. 

Neck Lift

Treatments For Jowls

The appearance of jowls can have a real impact on someones self esteem and confidence and with no at home methods to help fix this concern it can be difficult to come to terms with. If you are someone with jowls & are unhappy with the appearance of the skin around your face then you might already be considering surgical treatments. Here at Victoria House Clinic we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of surgical procedures to help people look and feel their best. Let our expert team of medical experts help you regain your confidence & love the skin you’re in.