Neck Lines

What are neck lines?

Neck lines and wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process and can develop over time as the skin around our neck begins to lose its elasticity. It’s extremely common for wrinkles around the neck area to develop as we grow older, however the appearance of them can vary per individual. Whilst in some cases they might be faint, others might have deep lines and sagging skin around the neck. Wrinkles that develop as a sign of ageing usually appear as horizontal lines on the neck, whereas lines from other factors such as contraction or prolonged computer/desk work can present themselves as vertical lines. Whilst any lines and wrinkles on the skin are common and natural some can become unhappy with the appearance of their neck area and look for treatments to help reverse the signs of ageing. 

What causes neck lines?

The main cause for neck lines to develop is ageing and a loss of elastin and collagen in the neck area. Whilst those factors can’t be avoided there are some other contributing factors that can increase the risk of neck wrinkles becoming prominent including:

It’s easier to work to prevent wrinkling and the signs of ageing then it is to go in and fix years of ageing & significant collagen and elasticity loss. We can help patients from as early as 30 with preventative treatments to help keep their skin feeling young, fresh and rejuvenated. 

Treatments For Neck Lines

The appearance of neck lines and wrinkles can have an impact on someones self esteem and confidence and many look for professional treatments to help their neck area appear younger and rejuvenated. Here at Victoria House Clinic we pride ourselves on offering a number of treatments and procedures to help bring life back to your neck area. Let out expert team of medical experts help you regain your confidence & love the skin you’re in.