skin cancer
risk assessment
Skin Cancer Risk Assessment
This skin cancer risk assessment is intended to help you identify potential early signs of skin cancer. It is not a substitute for a formal diagnosis. If you have any concerns or notice suspicious changes, please seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional immediately for proper evaluation and guidance.
At the end of these 7 questions you will be given a score
High Risk (16-24 points): It’s crucial that you have a full skin check as soon as possible. Book an appointment with one of our specialists today.
Moderate Risk (8-15 points): Your risk is moderate, and regular skin checks are highly recommended. Schedule a mole check for peace of mind.
Low Risk (0-7 points): While your risk is lower, it’s still important to keep an eye on your skin. Regular self-checks and annual skin assessments can help prevent future issues.
Important: Regardless of your score please see a clinician if:
- You have a mole/skin lesion that's changed size, shape or colour
- You have a mole/skin lesion that's painful or itchy
- You have a mole/skin lesion that's inflamed, bleeding or crusty
- You have a new or unusual mark on your skin that has not gone away after a few weeks
Assess your risk today and find out if it could be time to book a skin check with our expert team.

Time's up
What do I do now?
Based on your results, you may want to schedule a full skin check with our expert surgeon, Mr. George Filobbos. Early detection is key in preventing skin cancer. Book your appointment now for only £200, including a thorough full-body mole check. Any skin lesions or moles removed will be sent to the lab for a histology report.
Find out more...
Looking for more information on Skin cancers, mole checks, mole removal or our experts? Please see the below resources or pick up the phone and call us on 0121 289 5777 where a member of our team would be happy to help you.